Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another Great Buck

I am not sure what pics are the best and don't have time to look through them so here are two and when Derrick gets home I will have him help get the best ones. I can't find the file that he said they were in. Anyway We had a great time and I was lucky to come home with the big one. sorry I just erased the second pic looks like this is all you get for now.

I don't have time to write about the deer but My dad is dying to see the pics and they can't get them pulled up on the computer. So here are the pics and the story will come later. Bridgett's 2009 deer. Scores 180 and 3/8 26 3/4 inches wide.


Tasha said...

Looks nice! Good work, hope you enjoyed your little get away.

Jensen Family said...

Good Job! Awesome! I was so excited for ya when I saw the picture. But this picture is much easier to see. I did shoot one but it is not a show picture worthy deer, just a small 3 by 4. Maybe another year.

amber said...

Chuck's a little jealous! He and my dad weren't so lucky.

Chaotic Monarchy said...

You are officially my husbands dream woman!!

Elise said...

Way too go pregnant and all... I gave up after the 2 point...

The Bunnell's said...

Woo Hoo! Matt is going to be so jealous and so am I. That is definetly a keeper ;) I can't wait to hear the story!

The Estes Family said...

Good Job!!! Can't wait to hear about it :)

Tristie hearts Dax said...

That is a monster, Bridgett! So proud of you. You are a dream wife to any deer hunting man. I hope derrick appreciates that you like this hobby. I will be as nice as you one day. I am excited for all that is going on for you guys. We need to get together and have Dax make everyone dinner and have a nice relaxing evening. Call me if you need a babysitter! Congrats on your fun news! i am thrilled!

The Mashy Family said...

Had not checked in with you for a while so thought I would say hello! Congratulations on your baby number 4! Hopefully you will get a little boy. Although he may not survive in a world of pink!

Brandy Anderson said...

Thats awesome. It's huge!! Congrats on the new addition too. That exciting.

fourballerinas said...

I don't have your email. email me.

njkilfoyle said...

Great Buck! My husband is jealous!!Nikki Sebring Kilfoyle